
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Goodbye Facebook!

Well I am day 2 of life without facebook! I deactivated my account in an effort to focus on the more important things in life such as God, my marriage, volunteer work, school, my dogs,etc. I was pretty "addicted" to the old book, and was pretty sure that I was going to really miss it. So far, it has been fine! There have been a few times that there were specific moments when I had something to post. Yesterday, I went to the library to check out the book "O, Pioneers" after reading about it on Rhonda's blog, but the library was closed (for the new year holiday). If I had facebook, I could have commented on her wall. In reality, I can just go tomorrow so Rhonda didn't need to know that I couldn't get the book that very day. I also wanted to ask the fb world about homeade recipes for cleaning products. However, I found them on google! My question about finding chickens can be directed to Melanie via the telephone!

My brother sent me a funny youtube video about facebook that was pretty funny! I will write it out here, but some of it had bad language, and I try to keep my blog rated "G". It's kinda funny, but is only meant in good fun! I love facebook, and will probably be back in February!

"Hi, I'm Ross. I am going to talk to you about facebook. You need to get off of facebook. In doing so, you will cease to use the following abbreviations: LOL, ROFL, FML,FOCLOL, FOCROFLOL,BBS BRB, BS. This behavior is turning you into a dribbling turboxpaz. They make you sound like you want to lick the windows of a bus. You have been Tagged. Nobody likes this. :( You don't have 852 friends. You have 4. And that is a good thing. Is it better to have 848 friends that you don't to talk to but are happy to see? One or more of these "friends" are looking at your pictures right now. And judging you! I'm not. I don't think you have gained weight since high school. I don't think my taste in music is more ecclectic than yours. I don't have an account. I've been fb clean for 5 months and 17 days. And I am happy! Some of you may think that I am pretentious. Perhaps I am, but at least I am not a closet social pervert. TAGGED! LOLocaust! POKED! You have been invited to join John's horsey stable in Super Poke Pets. You have 1478228496 new notifications. Louise O'Neil is now single! hey louise. bin a long time.how have you bin? fancy cummin for a drink dis weekend???? roscoxxxx. 9 friend requests from people you hated at school. Accept them anyway. More friends means more popular means more better! Maybe my life is better than theirs and I can feel good about myself for a second. He's a motions graphic designer for Rockstar video games. Dang! That's better than an English teacher living in South Korea! Well....at least he is divorced. LOL! This is not you in real life so don't be like that online. Ironically, you are probably watching this on facebook right now. I'm impressed that your attention span has lasted this long. But know this, you are much more interesting than your profile! You are much more beautiful than your profile picture! You are all beautiful people who are much more wonderful in person. OMG I heart you! "

It is just meant in fun! Don't get offended if you are a facebooker! I love facebook too! I read recently that facebook makes people narcissistic and self absorbed... like "starring in your own reality show". Perhaps this is true, but honestly this is just true for our society right now. I may not know who is mad at who, who is cheating with you, who had a bad day, or what everyone cooked for dinner tonight. I also won't get annoyed (for no good reason) at people who misrepresent themselves and their children online, use fb as their therapist, diary, or a means of communication with their ex (soon to be not ex) significant other. But, I will spend more time with my husband (we started a daily bible study as a couple yesterday), focus on school more, and spend more time in prayer in reflection! I don't read as much as I want to, and use a lack of time as an excuse! I am amazed at how much time I have when I don't waste time looking at pictures of people whom I have not had any interaction with in 10 or more years!

I will still keep up with people's blogs, but blogs tend to have much more thought behind them! It is not just whatever popped up in someone's head! I love reading about people's book reads, remodels, children's achievements, and other interesting writings on blogs. I will miss the "personal" interaction that facebook brings....but I imagine I will survive!! :)


  1. I'm not sure my last post went through. :( Thanks for the shout out, girl. I finished Ethan Frome today, and it was good too in a horribly tragic, sad way.

  2. I know I'm addicted to FaceBook at the moment, but since I return to work next week, I know my time will be limited. Good luck on shutting it off and focusing on what you want to. I'm working on getting the blog updated, so you'll have something to read!
